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As a digital professional working in major businesses I've become increasingly keen to share my thoughts and opinions. I hope in some small way they add value to your daily lives.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Brown cardigan no more

In the last couple of weeks I've had the opportunity to consult in at Telstra Digital and I've been nothing but impressed with the commitment to get digital right. I can't think of a major Australian corporate who is showing such a high degree of authentic and real passion for the medium. Credit must be given to the Telstra executive team who have thrown the kitchen sink at digital with the ambition to be the best and to more importantly deliver the best customer experience. Look around at the other major businesses in town be they banks, retailers, service provides or the like and the general theme is that digitization is the poor poor cousin of traditional channels despite the obvious trends of mass digital adoption by consumers and business. Sure there's some good evidence of belated capital investment but look beyond the project room and you'll find small operational digital teams fighting for legitimacy. So my hat goes off to Telstra for their commitment to invest large and follow through with strong operational teams. Is it perfect yet, of course not but the approach is bang on and over time this business will be recognized for digital excellence.